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Waterwells Primary Academy


If you are not offered a place for your child at a school that you have applied for, you have the right, by law, to appeal against this decision to an independent body called an Independent Appeal Panel. This is explained in Section 94 of the School Standards and Framework Act (which is known as the 1998 Act).

You should note that the law strictly limits the circumstances in which an Independent Appeal Panel can uphold an appeal where a school place was refused because of Infant Class Size.

Infant classes are Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

An Independent Appeal Panel (IAP) consists of three people who have no connection with the school, who have undertaken training, and who have been appointed by the Independent Appeals Clerk.

Appeal hearings are heard in private and are confidential. Hearings last approximately 20 to 30 minutes.

The three Independent Appeal Panel members will listen to the school's case for not offering your child a place at the school and will then hear your case.

The IAP will consider whether there are exceptional circumstances, which, in their opinion, would mean that the disadvantage to your child in not attending the school would be greater than the disadvantage to the school in making an extra place available for your child.

The Independent Appeal Panel's decision is binding on both the school and the appellant.

If the IAP upholds your appeal, they will direct the school to admit your child.

In-Year Appeal Hearings are heard within 30 school days of receipt of the lodged appeal.

Parents should continue to make applications for alternative school places whilst waiting for an appeal for the preference school to be heard.  This will prevent delays in your child securing a school place if the appeal is not upheld.

If you wish to lodge an appeal, please email for further information.

For information on admission appeal deadlines for Waterwells Primary Academy, please click on the button below: 

There is no right of appeal against a decision not to offer a pre-school or nursery place.